Thursday, February 12, 2015

Friday, January 16, 2015
The community college is an institution of higher learning that train and educate students for their dream job or for an even higher education.  The students served are adult learners who choose their educational goals. CC tuition is cheaper than attending a 4 year university.
CC funding is considered by its full-time equivalent (FTE), which is based on the students served the prior year.  FTE funding is generated from the state and is distributed for staff and faculty salaries.  State funds also support program offerings.  Another funding source is from the county the CC is in.  This funding pays the salary of campus security, housekeeping, and maintenance staff.  . 
Developmental courses are provide for students who may not be prepared for higher learning courses.  Math and English are typically what these developmental courses are.  After completing these courses the student should be prepared to be enrolled in college level course. 
CC’s have a curriculum and continuing education department.  The curriculum department offers diplomas, certificates, or degrees to potential students.  Continuing education is for lifelong learners who seek training for a new job or enhance the skills they already have.  Courses for leisure and recreation are also offered in CE. 

Most faculty and staff of the curriculum department have their master’s degree.  While in continuing education it is contingent on the course that is taught. 

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