Thursday, February 12, 2015

First Generation College Students

The goal of academic integration for first-generation students may be a crucial aspect of academic achievement (Ivan L. Harrell II & Beverly L. Bower, 2011).  The multiple regression analyses also found that academic integration had the highest positive contribution to academic achievement than any other variable among FGS.  Researchers have found that one of the most important predictors of persistence among college students is the educational levels of their parents (Nunez, A. M. & Cuccaro-Alamin, S., 1998).  How do we define FGS?  The broadest definition, and the one least used, is that neither parent has completed a college degree.  This definition could include one or more parents who have completed a year or more of college, or one or more parents who hold an associate's but not a bachelor's degree.  The most restrictive definition, and second most frequently used, is that a student must be the first member of the family to attend college.  The definition of first-generation students that is most frequently used is that their parents have no college experience. (Choy, S., 2001).  I have read job announcements in the local newspaper and on the internet that want potential hires to have a degree or specific training.  At the extent of societal change, further learning requirements are mandated.  We have to use some type of technology daily that requires knowledge.  First-generation students could overcome possible barriers of employment by seeking higher education.  Daily survival skills have gone far beyond what it was ten years ago.  How we pump gas, pay for bills, and talking on the telephone are just a few of these necessary skills.  Finally, I believe survival in the future will weigh heavily on having an education beyond high school for American citizens to live above the poverty level.

Choy , S. ( 2001 ). Essay: Students whose parents did not go to college: Postsecondary access,                  persistence, and attainment . Washington , DC : National Center for Educational Statistics. 
     (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED448899)
Nunez , A. M. & Cuccaro-Alamin , S. ( 1998 ). First generation students: Undergraduates                      whose parents never enrolled in postsecondary education (NCES 98-082). U.S.    
     Department of Education, National Center for Educational Statistics, Washington , DC :           
     U.S. Government Printing Office .

Ivan L. Harrell II & Beverly L. Bower (2011) Student Characteristics That Predict Persistence in            Community College Online Courses, American Journal of Distance Education, 25:3, 178-      
    191, DOI: 10.1080/08923647.2011.590107
First Generation Film Official Trailer. (n.d.). Retrieved January 31, 2015, from            

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